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Laravel 8 Yajra Datatables - no database filtering

Hello, I am currently using the library of Laravel 8 Yajra Datatables (GitHub:

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How do I get a single post's category name?

I am working on a Laravel 8 app with posts and post categories. I am working on the Edit post form,...

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How do I send data to a form via AJAX?

I am making a Laravel 8 app with posts and post categories. I am now working on the Edit post form,...

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How do I filter posts by status with Laravel query builder?

I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users and posts. From all the entries in the posts table, I nee...

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Use foreign Key to display information from other table lae

Hi i am trying to retrive information using the foreign key but it doesnt work. `<?php namespace...

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Octane how to get dump() results in browser

While using Octane (either Swoole or RR) I have run into couple of problems: the dump() result is b...

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Laravel Multi-laralanguage

How i use multi-language in laravel project?? Any package Name

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How to overwrite a variable from child controller?

I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users and posts. I have a PostsController and a FeaturedPostsCo...

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SaaS multi-Locataire

Hello I am working on the subject of multitenancy SaaS in my master project, to see the benefit of t...

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Saas in laravel 6 saasaa

hello dev community! I am a young backend dev on laravel in internship, I have the mission to take o...

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Why this "Column 'name' in where clause is ambiguous" error?

I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users and posts. I want to display the full name of the author...

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How can I extract the file from the request?

I am sending a request with formData from the react native app and everything seems to work fine. Bu...

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I want to shorten the routing file Api

Excuse my strange English. I originally touched Codeigniter and started Laravel 8 about a week ago,...

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1 week ago

Having Trouble Deploying Laravel App To Shared Hosting

I made a Laravel app where you can add food and categories but I have an issue trying to deploy it t...

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Problem with Laravel Database Prefix

Hello, I have a project where all database tables got a prefix. But now I have the problem that one...

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What causes this 'Unknown format "factory"' error?

I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users and posts. The objective is to create a bunch of posts (I...

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Socialite - One user with multiple providers

I'm looking for best practice on setting up Laravel (with socialite) to handle multiple social provi...

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Laravel Cashier not working in live mode using 3d secure car

Hi i am using Laravel cashier for subscription it works perfect on test mode but when it goes on liv...

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Accessor in relation manyToMany

Hello, I have a ManyToMany relation and I have selected the fields that I want to display via the pi...

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Move routes jetstream

Hello, I'm a PHP programmer but I'm starting in Laravel. I recently saw some videos on Youtube about...

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