
In order to test Paddle, you will first need to create an account on our Sandbox environment here.

To open checkouts, you will need to first import the Paddle JavaScript library and specify the Sandbox environment in the setup method on your front end JavaScript code. Without this, the Paddle checkout will not launch.


You can then launch the Paddle overlay checkout by passing in your Sandbox product ID via the HTML Paddle button, or the Javascript method. Alternatively, you can use the inline checkout instead.

To make API calls to your Sandbox environment you must add the sandbox- prefix in the URL hostname. For example:

Real card information cannot be used in the Paddle Sandbox. For the test cards below, enter a valid expiration date in the future, and any random CVC number. Each test card's billing country is set to U.S.

Card TypeCard Number
Valid card without 3DS4242 4242 4242 4242
Valid card with 3DS4000 0038 0000 0446
Declined card4000 0000 0000 0002

Paddle's checkout supports payments via PayPal. To make test transactions using PayPal, you will need to first create a PayPal Sandbox account. You can then enter your PayPal sandbox credentials into the Paddle checkout to complete test transactions.

When moving from Sandbox testing to Production there a few things to remember.

  1. Remove “sandbox-” prefix from the API endpoints
  2. Update Vendor ID
  3. Update API Auth key
  4. Update Product/Plan IDs
  5. Remove Paddle.Environment.set('sandbox') from front end JavaScript code
  6. Website domain has been approved
  7. Update Whitelisted webhook alert IPs (if used)

We recommend having two sets of application settings, one for Sandbox and one for Production to help avoid mistakes and facilitate future testing where necessary.